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There are a lot of reasons why people fail to slim down in the long run, it can be lack of discipline, poor diet, lack of exercise and etc. However, most people DID experience some degree of weight loss in life - they just didn’t maintain it.  Yo-yo dieting  Yo-yo dieting, also known as weight cycling, refers to how a person tries to diet, lost some weight, but eventually rebound back up - the cycle repeats. The end result is a roller coaster ride where a person continuously lose weight and regain the weight back up.  Why yo-yo dieting causes...

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You have been told to not have your dinner too late, beyond a certain timepoint, because you will get fat easily if you do that. So, does it also mean that I won’t get fat easily no matter what as long as I eat before a certain timepoint?   How does meal timing relate with weight management? Recent hypotheses propose that meal timing plays a role in weight regulation through mechanism of circadian rhythm, a fancy term for body clock. It is suggested that nocturnal eating (eating late in the evening) may result in metabolic disruption, as in hormonal and...

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Look like an athlete by recovering like an athlete Admit it – You are only as good as how you recover, period. Recovery has been very crucial in sports, not only for medal-winning professionals, even regular sports enthusiasts – you or me, are also looking for the best way to step up our game (to look good and sporty in Insta story of course!).  The old-school way involves ice packs or ice bath - an alternative of hot bath and ice water for 20 minutes, under a temperature of 10 degree Celsius (hotter than ice, not sure why it’s called...

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Breast Cancer and Nutrition 101 4 WORST Foods you need to stop eating By Wei Wen, Qualified Dietitian  ________________________________________________________________________________ Nutrition influences the risk of breast cancer in 35% of the cases Alcohol may increase breast cancer risk due to the damage it causes to our cell and DNA   With each bite on the foods you choose, you are either one step closer, or one step further away from breast cancer. ________________________________________________________________________________ Why some food choices are “risky” to eat? THE GOOD AND BAD NEWS are that there is no single food that is proven to cure or cause cancer....

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Breast Cancer and Nutrition 101 Food choices YOU decide can MAKE or BREAK your Breast Health By Wei Wen, Qualified Dietitian  ________________________________________________________________________  Breast cancer is the MOST prevalent type of cancer amongst female in Malaysia, but also one with extremely high survival rate (up to 80%) Lifestyle changes, including nutrition, can prevent up to 25-30% cases of breast cancer. ________________________________________________________________________ 1 in 8 women develop breast cancer in her lifetime.  The other 7 of them might have practised better nutrition. ________________________________________________________________________ How food choices affect the happening of cancer? Contrary to popular beliefs, the American Cancer Society (ACS) suggested that...

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