Physiotherapy Advice for Tennis Players And How Sports Physiotherapy Benefits?
Tennis is no doubt a high-impact activity. During games, the lower body is subjected to frequent jarring and cutting actions, while the midsection might experience a lot of stress. This is especially important for players because chronic damage tends to accumulate over time and can become crippling if left untreated. Sports physiotherapy may improve your tennis skills whether you are a beginner or an experienced enthusiast. What can you anticipate from a professional consultation?
Common Tennis Injuries
The trouble is that because tennis is a sport that uses your entire body, you face the chance of injuring almost every aspect of it. But sports injuries, especially if the player hasn't been practising, are the ones who need physiotherapy treatment the most.
The shoulder, tennis elbow, and wrist are the most frequently injured areas of the upper body. These areas are all vulnerable to discomfort from overuse as tendons repeatedly pass over the joints, resulting in pain and inflammation. This is also the reason for the terrible tennis elbow illness, which develops when the muscles required to straighten the wrist and linked to the elbow are overused. This results in tendons swelling and elbow and arm pain. Golfer's elbow can occur on the other side of the arm from overusing the tendons that join the elbow and forearm.
The knee and ankle on the lower body are the area’s most prone to tennis-related injuries. The patella tendon below the kneecap and the medial ligament inside it can be readily damaged due to tennis players' constant need to twist, bend, and change speed, while repeated jumping frequently causes pain in the Achilles tendon.
The good news is that injuries can be prevented by making sure your body is prepared.
Before playing Tennis
In addition to warming up properly when you return to the court after a break from tennis, you should strive to gradually increase the amount of time you spend playing for several weeks. Initially, you should limit your playing time to 30 minutes at a period, once or twice a week, with at least two or three days in between to give your body time to rest. Once you feel comfortable playing for two hours straight, gradually increase your playing time by 10-15 minutes per week. This will assist you in bridging the gap between your current level of exercise and that required to play a full tennis match.
Running nonstop around the court chasing shadows is not advised; playing against an opponent of a similar skill level is!
Probably visit a physiotherapist as well, particularly if you've recently had an injury. Another excellent way to maintain all muscle groups mobile is with a sports massage, which could provide you with a significant advantage over your opponent.
It's essential to eat sensibly before a game, especially if you have a match just after breakfast. Porridge with honey is ideal since it is rich in carbohydrates, which will provide you with quick energy. Remember to drink enough water as it is simple to become quickly dehydrated during a game. Avoid having heavy foods. You'll be more likely to finish the match if you consume a sweet energy drink before it.
The best strategy to prevent injuries is to warm up properly to get your muscles ready for game demands and lower the risk of injuries by improving blood flow.
During a game
Staying hydrated is crucial for success on the tennis court since dehydration reduces blood volume, which affects your stamina, speed, focus, and reaction times. Dehydration might even result in nausea and vomiting in severe cases. Having drinks handy is essential because you can expect to drain between 0.5 and three litres of fluid for each hour of play.
It's also a good idea to keep some food on hand throughout a game, just in case. Bananas and oranges are good choices since they provide the appropriate ratio of vitamins and minerals to keep athletes awake and energised. Soft sweets made of glucose are also beneficial since they include sugar, which increases energy and quickens concentration. Eat, but only if necessary.
After playing tennis
You should perform a quick warm-down when the game is over to help your breathing and pulse rate return to normal levels and to help your muscles relax. Additionally, it aids in lactic acid removal from the muscles, lowering the chance of post-exercise soreness.
Take a few moments to relax and collect your breath before starting a five-minute gentle walk. Finish by performing the warm-up stretches again, drinking plenty of water to hydrate your muscles, and eating something to restore the energy you've spent.
What Role Does Your Physiotherapist Assist?
A physiotherapist's primary goal is to restore the body's natural range of motion and strength through gentle manipulation, as well as specific stretching and strengthening treatments. Additionally, physiotherapists in Rev Malaysia will offer proactive guidance to help you avoid circumstances that could put you at risk of injury in the future and improve your performance.
Tennis injuries can often be treated using the following typical methods:
- A strengthening of the core muscles all around.
- Using a biomechanical analysis of the feet and lower limbs to safeguard the feet against physical harm.
- Stretching and building up the muscles in particular body parts, such as the back, hamstrings, shoulder girdle, and forearms.
- Avoiding exercises that could injure your back.
As a part of the collaboration, Christian Didier, Professional Tennis Player – We are here to support his journey on improvement and reaching greater heights in the athletic area. Rev in Malaysia addresses any of your tennis injuries and are experienced professional in sports physiotherapy. Contact Us Today!
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