Cryotherapy – NEW Way to look younger like local celebrities
The Newest Trend of Beauty
Cryotherapy has been viral in US and UK nowadays, due to their benefits that extend towards beauty and wellness. Celebrities have been using it all over the world, to keep their skin young and glowing both on-screen and off-screen!
WHY cryotherapy?
- Boost collagen levels
- Reduce cellulites
- Tighten pores
- Smooth baby skin
- Feel energetic and lively
- Feel happier
- Get a slimmer waist
WHY cryotherapy?
- Boost collagen levels
- Reduce cellulites
- Tighten pores
- Smooth baby skin
- Feel energetic and lively
- Feel happier
- Get a slimmer waist
How does cryotherapy make you look younger and healthier?
Lose fats – Our body has 2 types of fats, brown fat and white fat. Brown fat cells are actually the
“good guys” as they help to use and burn extra calories for you even when you are resting! Through
cryotherapy, shivering during cold helps to boost up the calories you burn, improve the ability of your
body to use up glucose instead of storing them as fats!
Younger skin! – The old ways of drinking collagen or skincare are obsolete! Let your body produce
collagen on its own by cryotherapy. Other than that, under cold temperature your skin pore also
reduces and cellulite levels drop. Look vibrant, younger, healthier on your skin instantly!
Better mood instantly! – During the process of cryotherapy, your skin exposure to sub-zero
temperature triggers the release of endorphins and dopamine, aka the happy hormones; also with other
beneficial nutrients and enzymes. Blood flows smoothly and more healthy nutrients, oxygen gets
delivered to all over your body. Therefore, you will instantly feel great and exciting after the session,
thanks to the endorphins.
Don’t believe us? See for yourself how local celebrities have been following the trend in order to
“freeze” their youthful appearance at its peak. Obviously, this is no longer an “ang mo” or a “mat
salleh” thingy!
1. Yasmine Hani
2. Yao Dong
3. Sazzy Falak
4. Hairul Azreen
5. Joelin Wong
Call us NOW if you want to try out this newest secret to beauty and wellness! Sessions limited.
Hi, what is the fee for one session of cryotherapy?